
Sane, simple release creation for Erlang. Relx assembles releases that follow the Erlang/OTP standard. Given a release specification and a list of directories in which to search for OTP applications, it will generate a release output.

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Erlware Commons

High quality extensions to the stdlib application that is distributed with Erlang. These are things that we at Erlware have found useful for production applications but are not included with the distribution. We hope that as things in this library prove themselves useful, they will make their way into the main Erlang distribution.

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Small semantically clean, functional LISP on the Erlang VM. Joxa is a general-purpose language encouraging interactive development and a functional programming style. Like other Lisps, Joxa treats code as data and has a full (unhygienic) macro system.

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Sane & Simple Release Creation. Finally.



High Quality Libs. Reuse.

LISP for Erlang VM. Joxa.
